Raise your team’s EQ and give them practical, tangible tools to succeed.

Team Workshops

Search Inside Yourself

An inspiring and highly interactive, business-focused introduction to mindfulness-based emotional intelligence skills. These skills are proven to create psychological safety and inter-personal connection, the #1 predictors of team success according to studies at Google.

This program integrates individual and small group exercises. It can be delivered as a 60 or 90 minute interactive Keynote, or a 1 or 2 day highly experiential Program.

The program is customizable for your audience needs, and suitable as a stand-alone presentation or integrated into a conference or off-site.

Building High EQ Tech Teams

Bridging the gaps between human emotion, science and engineering this 15-30 minute talk uses humor and everyday technology to introduce and explain the neuroscience behind, and pillars of, emotional intelligence: Self-Awareness, Self- Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management.

By bringing these pillars together into a suite of tools to build psychological safety in organizations, leaders at all levels can dramatically improve morale, teamwork and motivation for individuals and teams in any technology-based industry.

Wait, Did You Mean That?

In this engaging and entertaining talk set against a background of staggering change in the space industry, Hanna shares lessons in perspective gained through meeting clients, managing negotiations and winning deals in the face of mishaps, misadventures and plans gone hilariously awry in various corners of the globe.

Part travelogue, part business wisdom, part leadership training, this talk encourages the audience to see various perspectives, think differently about the obstacles they face and take effective action.

Let’s get started. Take the first step by scheduling a Fractional COO Consultation call: