Coaching for Executives
Helping busy Directors, Vice Presidents and Chief Officers to restructure their days, move beyond firefighting to refocus on their priorities, and regain their balance so that they can relax outside of work.
“There has to be more to life than this” runs through your mind more often than you care to admit.
You feel guilty for thinking “This is not what I want”, because to everyone else it looks like you’ve checked all the ”successful” boxes, and they frequently compliment you on your success.
Yet you find yourself spending more time each day firefighting than working on the goals and strategic initiatives that you agreed were important to your team and division. It seems there’s always a last minute crisis or a new idea, and it feels like the group is constantly chasing after the latest shiny thing. Between layoffs, constant rounds of “do more with less” and questionable decisions around you, maintaining team morale is like walking a tightrope. And that’s not even taking into account the double standards of simultaneously being “too much” and “not enough”, impostor syndrome and balancing customer, employee and investor needs.
By the time you leave the office you have decision fatigue, you’re fuming from the seemingly never-ending correctile dysfunction, and your motivation is about as firm as a wet noodle; you move through the mountain of laundry, groceries, kid homework and pet duties like a zombie. You log on again in the evening with a glass of wine so that you don’t drown in email and tasks in the morning, but it feels like you’re past the point of diminishing returns. You’re too tired for errands; they stack up and you spend the weekend getting caught upon those. You can’t remember the last time you did something truly fun without worrying about the time or what’s happening at work.
Individualized coaching to help you find a sustainable, successful way to work, unplug and regain meaning, joy and play.
Small changes done consistently lead to outsized results.
Analyzing how and where you can drive change in your working day is the first step towards regaining control of your time and energy. This includes augmenting your ability to influence your superiors and your direct reports, as well as ensuring that you are clear on what you want, and how to communicate that to others.
Creating and enrolling allies and solidifying your ability to stay calm during difficult conversations further enhances your ability to drive the outcomes you’re looking for. Regaining control over your time and energy, and wielding power at work means that there is more of you left for your home life.
You now have both time and energy for joyful play and revisiting the hobbies you’ve missed - or starting new ones - without any guilt.
What we will do together:
It’s really easy to get focused on what’s NOT working. Instead, together we will get crystal clear on what you’re actually fighting FOR, using written, spoken and felt exercises. We will then begin to adjust your routines and habits to set you onto the path to get there. Along the way we will practice how to navigate internal resistance, and how to experience 'no' without it stopping your momentum.
We will practice how to source and enroll allies who will help you accelerate towards what you DO want to engage with. We teach you how to not only accurately read but OWN the room. We’ll take the fear out of asking for the really big things and enable you to comfortably receive them. And most importantly we will practice how to do all of this by staying present without getting depleted along the way.
Following our Onboarding meeting we will hold the first of our Quarterly Deep Dives, during which you will get clarity on your path forward and set specific goals for the next 90 days of work together. Thereafter we will meet weekly until our next Quarterly Deep Dive, at which we will review your progress and results, and repeat the process.